Gabrielle Jones, M.S

Gabrielle established Healing and Harmony to cultivate a space where relationships are nurtured, self-expressive, and cherished. Services are offered online or in person at 250 N. Rock Rd in Wichita, KS. Gabrielle’s therapeutic approach focuses on establishing a safe environment where individuals can lean into their authenticity and become the best versions of themselves. Clients are able to reflect, explore, and transform their relationships- beginning with SELF and impacting ALL. She assists in facilitating vulnerable, transparent, conversations while promoting self-awareness and restoration. Having access to you and your story is a privilege and I am honored to walk alongside of you!

My Values

Being true to yourself and your narrative. Picking up the pen and writing the pieces to your own story, walking in your own truth.

It takes two to therapy, like it takes a village! Approach with an open mind. Invitation, Curiosity, and Consideration- KEY to change.

When you’re not in therapy, who are you!? Actions can define our character, and morale is valuable. Honesty is welcomed, say only what you mean. This is your space, let it be comforting!

With advance knowledge and training in couples, marriage, relational, and pre-marital therapy, allow us to stimulate growth and restoration in your life today!